Zeaxysch Sbeche Sded Wiki

The Lord's Prayer in Zeaxysch

Urnustlych ybyddath eow dhus;

Owr vader, þow who byst on huvfon; beo þy name yhalwed; to-beghum þy ryche; þy wyl beo dun on urth zo on huvfon, owr dailych lhove iyvf us to dai, voriyvf owr gylts zo we voriyvfath þeo þat buth gyltyi aiense us; lade us not on ordele, ac ghebhe us vrom uvel.

Part of a song lyric in Zeaxysch

Ovf evferyi ghune ovf treo,

Ovf evferyi ghune ovf treo,

Dhe hawþorn bloweth zweotess,

Ovf evferyi ghune ovf treo.

My lemman ho zghol beo,

My lemman ho zghol beo,

Dhe vairess ovf evferyi kynne,

My lemman ho zghol beo.

Maiden yn þeo mor lai,

Zuvfennyit vull and o -

Zuvfennyit vull and o -

Maiden yn þeo mor lai,

Zuvfen nyites vull and o dai.

Al gold Jhonet ys þyne her,

Al gold Jhonet ys þyne her.

Zave þyne Jhankyn, lemman dere,

Zave þy onlych dere.
